CAR ASYST Release 2.6.9 – Support of the new Audi e-tron and new option in the sensor settings


The current version of the CAR ASYST App already supports the vehicle data of the full-electrical SUV Audi e-tron. There were also implemented some usability improvements.

The highlights of the CAR ASYST version 2.6.9 at a glance:

  • Support of the new Audi e-tron!
  • New option in the sensor settings ‘Video (no sound)’
  • Revision of the vehicle functions
  • Usability improvements

>> Download the new CARA SYST App Version 2.6.9

Vehicle data of the Audi e-tron

On the market launch of the new full-electrical SUV Audi e-tron the official vehicle data is already supported by CAR ASYST for fast, mobile and wireless vehicle analysis.

>> All supported vehicles by CAR ASYST

Usability improvements

In the new app version, the categories VEHICLE FUNCTIONS and SERVICE FUNCTIONS can be shown in separate tabs. A new option in the sensor-settings enables the record of a video without sound. In front of the measured values is displayed an icon that symbolize the type of the measured value – textual, graphical or complex. Furthermore, the app can now also be started in landscape format.

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